Dates & Times
DC Cemetery Information: (last updated 10/21/2024)
The DC Cemetery caters to a wide age range from young to old. We have numerous effects and startles that are humorous and downright cool, and others that cause people to wet their shorts and leave screaming. If you have a child that startles easily, we suggest you bring them on our “kid friendly days”, where we minimize all volumes, turn off or slow the speed of some of the fast-acting props, and keep all the lights on (and we give out candy). Check the dates and times for these kid friendly days below.
The DC Cemetery offers a wide array of custom designed and hand-built props and effects that range from simple lighting to over-life-sized robotic/animatronic creatures. Each year we add new and more life/death like props and effects to heighten the scare factor as well as spend countless hours preparing shows that have never been seen or imagined.
Please note that some props, lighting and effects may not be suitable for people suffering from heart problems, epilepsy, asthma, and or weak bladders, we try our best to provide a safe Atmos-fear that will offer you a great scare and a memorable Halloween that will last a lifetime!
Operation Times:
Please note, these dates and times may vary depending on weather prior, current, and post these dates and may be outdated. If we are closed when you arrive, we apologize as the closing event was out of our control.
Day | Date | Child Friendly | Open Hours |
Thursday | October 24th | NONE | TBD |
Friday | October 25th | NONE | TBD |
Saturday | October 26th | NONE | CLOSED |
Sunday | October 27th | NONE | 5-9 |
Monday | October 28th | NONE | 5-9 |
Tuesday | October 29th | 4-5 | 5-9 |
Wednesday | October 30th | 4-5 | TBD 5-9 |
Thursday | October 31st – HALLOWEEN | 4-5 | 5-10 (maybe later depending on crowd size) |
Friday | November 1st | NONE | TBD |
We will do our best to keep this calendar accurate, but please be understanding of our efforts and the amount of time and energy it takes to setup this scale of a production.
Also keep in mind that you are not being charged nor do we get paid for any portion of this event, so if we’re not open when you arrive, please be patient as the show will start shortly (or the next day/year if you arrived after hours).
The Cemetery will operate during light rain, but will close during heavy rains (except on Halloween, we will GENERALLY be open no matter what).
Please email us if you have any questions or concerns.
If you’re looking to aid in the cause, but would like something tangible in return, we offer a wide selection of DC products including the same props we use in our haunt, instructional manuals, ready to run animations, and startle effects at our business site DC Props ( Unfortunately, these items will not be available for purchase at the haunt.